Adverbial clauses and their dependency relationships

Project details

  • Full title: Adverbial clauses and subordinate dependency relationships
  • Project format: scientific network
  • Subject area: Humanities

  • Funding institution: German Science Foundation
  • Funding period: 11/2021 – 04/2026
  • Number of workshops: 6 (University of Cologne x2, University of Göttingen x1, University of Tübingen x1, University of Konstanz x1, FU Berlin x1)
  • Principal investigator: Łukasz Jędrzejowski, University of Cologne, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of German Language and Literature I – German Didactics

Contact details

Brief project description

The main aim of this network project is to investigate adverbial clauses and their dependency relationships from a synchronic, diachronic and typological perspective, and to provide a deeper understanding of subordinate clauses in general. Questions addressed during the individual meetings concern, among many others, dependency relationships between the adverbial clause and the matrix clause, the development and variation of adverbial clauses, their non-canonical uses, e.g. as adnominal adverbial clauses or as adverbial argument clauses, etc. The main focus is on Celtic, Germanic, Romance and Slavic languages.

Future events


Network members (in alphabetical order)

Invited speakers and guests (in alphabetical order)

Associate network members (in alphabetical order)

Guests (in alphabetical order)

Members’ publications


  • Ángantýsson, Ásgrímur & Caroline Heycock: On the internal and external syntax of adverbial clauses in Faroese: Causal and temporal clauses. Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 109: 1–25 [Link].
  • Ángantýsson, Ásgrímur & Łukasz Jędrzejowski: Layers of subordinate clauses: A view from causal af-því-að-clauses in Icelandic, in: Micro- and Macro-variation of Causal Clauses. Synchronic and Diachronic Insights ed. by Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Constanze Fleczoreck, 184–220. Amsterdam: John Benjamins [DOI].
  • Caponigro, Ivano & Anamaria Fălăuş: ‘Why’ without asking in Romanian, in: Non-interrogative Subordinate Wh-clauses ed. by Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Carla Umbach, 410–437. Oxford: Oxford University Press [DOI].
  • Corver, Norbert: Decomposing adverbs and complementizers. A case study of Dutch how ‘how’, in: Non-interrogative Subordinate Wh-clauses ed. by Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Carla Umbach, 158–206. Oxford: Oxford University Press [DOI].
  • Frey, Werner: Types of German causal clauses and their syntactic-semantic layers, in: Micro- and Macro-variation of Causal Clauses. Synchronic and Diachronic Insights ed. by Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Constanze Fleczoreck, 51–100. Amsterdam: John Benjamins [DOI].
  • Georgieva, Ekaterina: On adverbial clauses in Udmurt: Postpositional phrases and the case of the adverbial case. Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungen 68(1): 5–42 [DOI].
  • Guz, Wojciech & Łukasz Jędrzejowski: Polish że ‘that’ as an elaboration marker: Language-internal and cross-linguistic perspectives, in: Discourse Phenomena in Typological Perspective [Studies in Language Companion Series 227] ed. by Alessandra Barotto & Simone Mattiola, 167–199. Amsterdam: John Benjamins [DOI].
  • Hinterhölzl, Roland: Perceptive evidential wie-clauses in German. A situation-based approach, in: Non-interrogative Subordinate Wh-clauses ed. by Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Carla Umbach, 207–238. Oxford: Oxford University Pres [DOI].
  • Hoek, Jet & Merel C. J. Scholman: Expressing non-volitional causality in English, in: Micro- and Macro-variation of Causal Clauses. Synchronic and Diachronic Insights ed. by Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Constanze Fleczoreck, 167–183. Amsterdam: John Benjamins [DOI].
  • Jędrzejowski, Łukasz: Speech act adverbial clauses: The case of conditional jeśli-clauses in Polish. Zeitschrift für Slawistik 68(2): 279–303 [DOI].
  • Jędrzejowski, Łukasz & Constanze Fleczoreck: Micro- and Macro-variation of Causal Clauses. Synchronic and Diachronic Insights (Studies in Language Companion Series 231). Amsterdam: John Benjamins [DOI].
  • Jędrzejowski, Łukasz & Constanze Fleczoreck: Adverbial clauses and their variation. The case of causal clauses in German, in: Micro- and Macro-variation of Causal Clauses. Synchronic and Diachronic Insights [Studies in Language Companion Series 231] ed. by Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Constanze Fleczoreck, 15–48. Amsterdam: John Benjamins [DOI].
  • Jędrzejowski, Łukasz & Carla Umbach: Non-interrogative Subordinate Wh-clauses [Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 83]. Oxford: Oxford University Press [DOI].
  • Jędrzejowski, Łukasz & Carla Umbach: Varieties of non-interrogative subordinate wh-clauses, in: Non-interrogative Subordinate Wh-clauses ed. by Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Carla Umbach, 1–23. Oxford: Oxford University Press [DOI].
  • Pankau, Andreas: Comparative relatives in German, in: Non-interrogative Subordinate Wh-clauses ed. by Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Carla Umbach, 275–327. Oxford: Oxford University Pres [DOI].
  • Pittner, Karin & Werner Frey: German wie-comment and reporting clauses. A comparison with so-parentheticals, in: Non-interrogative Subordinate Wh-clauses ed. by Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Carla Umbach, 328–364. Oxford: Oxford University Pres [DOI].
  • Schönenberger, Manuela & Liliane Haegeman: English rationale since and a reassessment of the typology of adverbial clauses, in: Micro- and Macro-variation of Causal Clauses. Synchronic and Diachronic Insights ed. by Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Constanze Fleczoreck, 129–166. Amsterdam: John Benjamins [DOI].
  • Šimík, Radek & Jakub Sláma: Czech evidential relatives introduced by jak ‘how’, in: Non-interrogative Subordinate Wh-clauses ed. by Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Carla Umbach, 239–273. Oxford: Oxford University Pres [DOI].
  • Umbach, Carla, Stefab Hinterwimmer & Cornelia Ebert: Depictive manner complements, in: Non-interrogative Subordinate Wh-clauses ed. by Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Carla Umbach, 124–157. Oxford: Oxford University Press [DOI].


  • Badan, Linda & Liliane Haegeman: The syntax of peripheral adverbial clauses. Journal of Linguistics 58(4): 697–738 [DOI].
  • Chen, Yuqiu / Maik Thalmann & Mailin Antomo: Presupposition triggers and (not-)at-issueness: Insights from language acquisition into the soft-hard distinction. Journal of Pragmatics 199: 21–46; [DOI].
  • Jędrzejowski, Łukasz: On the synchrony, variation and diachrony of adverbial exceptive clauses in Polish, in: Glossa. A Journal of General Linguistics 6(1): 1–41; [pdf], [DOI].
  • Jędrzejowski, Łukasz: Zu Entstehungsumständen von mirativen um-zu-Sätzen im Deutschen, in: Paths through meaning and form. Festschrift offered to Klaus von Heusinger on the occasion of his 60th birthday ed. by Chiara Gianollo / Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Sofiana I. Lindemann, 134–137. Köln: Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln [pdf], [DOI].
  • Lahousse, Karen: Is focus a root phenomenon? In: When Data Challenges Theory. Unexpected and Paradoxical Evidence in Information Structure (Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today 273) ed. by Davide Garassino & Daniel Jacob, 147–182. Amsterdam: John Benjamins [DOI].
  • Šimík, Radek, Petr Biskup, Kateřina Bartasová, Markéta Dančová, Eliška Dostálková, Kateřina Hrdinková, Gabriela Kosková, Jaromír Kozák, Klára Lupoměská, Albert Maršík, Edita Schejbalová, and Illia Yekimov. 2022. Extraction from clausal adjuncts in Czech: A rating study. In Özge Bakay, Breanna Pratley, Eva Neu, and Peyton Deal (eds.), NELS 52: Proceedings of the Fifty-Second Annual Meeting of the Norht East Linguistic Society, Volume Three, 109–123. Amherst, MA: GLSA Publications [Link].
  • von Wietersheim, Sophie: The Syntactic Integration of Adverbial Clauses. Experimental Evidence from Anaphoric Relations [Studien zur deutschen Grammatik 101]. Tübingen: Stauffenburg [book website].
  • Yan, Qiuhao Charles: The structure of SAY verbs and temporal modification. Snippets 43: 7–9.
  • Zieleke, Regina & Łukasz Jędrzejowski: Dennochs Reise in die linke Peripherie, in: Paths through meaning and form. Festschrift offered to Klaus von Heusinger on the occasion of his 60th birthday ed. by Chiara Gianollo / Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Sofiana I. Lindemann, 274–279. Köln: Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln [pdf], [DOI].


  • Antomo, Mailin / Yuqiu Chen & Maik Thalmann: (Un)Selbstständigkeit von Sätzen und Main Point of Utterance: Appositive Relativsätze und deren Erwerb. In: Neues zur Selbstständigkeit von Sätzen (Linguistische Berichte Sonderheft 30) ed. by Robert Külpmann & Rita Finkbeiner, 257–279 [abstract].
  • Bücking, Sebastian: The grammar of PP-like free relatives: Evidence from subordinate wo-clauses in German. Linguistic Inquiry [Link].
  • Umbach, Carla / Stefan Hinterwimmer & Helmar Gust: German wie-complements. Manners, methods and events in progress. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory [DOI].

Past events

  • 4th April 2024: pre-workshop on mood alternation in adverbial clauses organized by Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Andreas Pankau , FU Berlin [Call for Papers] [Call for Papers 2] [schedule], invited speakers (confirmed):

    April 4 (Thursday)

    09:15-09:30: Welcome and opening remarks
    Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne) & Andreas Pankau (FU Berlin)
    Chair: Łukasz Jędrzejowski
    09:30-10:30: The limits of argument-fulfilling adverbial clauses and mood marking
    Josep Quer (ICREA-Pompeu Fabra University) – invited speaker
    10:30-11:00: Refreshment break
    Chair: Marco Coniglio
    11:00-12:00: Mood alternation in concessive clauses of Portuguese
    Rui Marques (University of Lisbon)
    12:00-13:00: On the diachronic evolution of concessive clauses in French and Spanish
    Martin Becker (University of Cologne)
    13:00-14:30: Lunch break
    Chair: Rui Marques
    14:30-15:30: Mood swings in West Germanic adverbial clauses:
    A diachronic comparative analysis
    Marco Coniglio (University of Göttingen), Chiara De Bastiani (University of Venice), Roland Hinterhölzl (University of Venice) & Svetlana Petrova (University of Wuppertal)
    15:30-16:30: Mood alternations in simulative clauses:
    The (minor) role of subjunctive in the expression of irrealis
    Marta Massaia (Utrecht University)
    16:30-17:00: Refreshment break
    Chair: Andreas Pankau
    17:00-18:00: Mood choice in complement clauses: Evidence for flexible attitude meanings
    Anastasia Giannakidou (University of Chicago) – invited speaker
    18:00-18:30: Concluding remarks and future plans
    Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne) & Andreas Pankau (FU Berlin)
    20:00- Conference dinner
    Alter Krug
    Königin-Luise-Str. 52
    14195 Berlin

    – 5th and 6th April 2024: fourth international conference on adverbial clauses organized by Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Andreas Pankau, FU Berlin [Call for Papers] [Call for Papers 2] [schedule], invited speakers (confirmed):

    Th main topic of the conference is on ‘Adverbial Clauses in Argument Positions’.


    April 5 (Friday)

    09:45-10:00: Welcome and opening remarks
    Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne) & Andreas Pankau (FU Berlin)
    Chair: Andreas Pankau
    10:00-11:00: A syntactic approach to tense in complementation and beyond
    Susanne Wurmbrand (University of Salzburg) – invited speaker
    11:00-11:30: Refreshment break
    Chair: Frank Sode
    11:30-12:30: Adjunct = External Merge of XP right after the argument
    Andreas Blümel (University of Göttingen) & Nobu Goto (Toyo University)
    12:30-14:30: Lunch break
    Chair: Andreas Blümel
    14:30-15:30: Cycles and reanalysis in inherent and contact induced changes:
    Against a declarative analysis of depictive manner complements

    Julia Bacskai-Atkari (University of Amsterdam & University of Potsdam)
    [slides] / [handout]
    15:30-16:30: Depictive manner complements
    Carla Umbach (University of Cologne)
    16:30-17:00: Refreshment break
    17:00-18:00: What is it possible to extract? Clausal prolepsis and the DP shell hypothesis
    Keir Moulton (University of Toronto) – invited speaker
    19:30- Conference dinner
    Königin-Luise-Straße 40-42
    14195 Berlin

    April 6 (Saturday)

    Chair: Łukasz Jędrzejowski
    10:00-11:00: A double life for complement ‘if’-clauses revisited:
    Preliminary remarks for a 21st century version

    David Pesetsky (MIT) – invited speaker
    11:00-11:30: Refreshment break
    Chair: Julia Bacskai-Atkari
    11:30-12:30: What German embedded V2-clauses can tell us about ‘if’-clauses as arguments of preference predicates
    Frank Sode (HU Berlin)
    12:30-12:45: Concluding remarks and future plans
    Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne) & Andreas Pankau (FU Berlin)
    13:00: Lunch
  • 4th October 2023: pre-workshop on adverbial clauses in creole and pidgin languages organized by Łukasz Jędrzejowski, University of Göttingen [schedule]

October 4 (Wednesday)

Opening remarks
Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne)
10:00–11:00: Adverbial clauses in Guinea-Bissau Kriol: An overview
Chiara Truppi (University of Lisbon)
11:00–11:30: Refreshment break
11:30–12:30: Nominalization and clausal subordination in Wutun (via Zoom)
Erika Sandmann (University of Helsinki)
12:30–14:30: Lunch break
14:30–15:30: Exploring subordination constructions in the Eastern Maroon Creoles
Bettina Migge (University College Dublin)
15:30–16:30: SCroIL – Towards a database of subordinated clauses in creole languages
Stefano Manfredi (French National Centre for Scientific Research)
16:30–16:45: Concluding remarks
Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne)

Invited speakers (confirmed):

[Call for Papers] [Call for Papers 2] [schedule]


October 5 (Thursday)

Welcome and opening remarks
Marco Coniglio (University of Göttingen) & Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne)
Chair: Andreas Blümel
09:30-10:30: The syntax-phonology mapping of adverbial clauses. A flexible approach
Fatima Hamlaoui (University of Toronto) – invited speaker
10:30-11:00: Refreshment break
Chair: Ingrid Bondevik
11:00-12:00 Adverbial clauses and subordination strategies in Tuwari and in some other Papuan languages
Sylvain Loiseau (Sorbonne Paris North University)
12:00-13:00: On the ordering distribution of central adverbial clauses in Qashqai Turkic
Sahar Shirali (FU Berlin)
13:00-14:30: Lunch break
Chair: Marta Massaia
14:30-15:30: Variation in finite adverbial clauses: Evidence from island effects
Ingrid Bondevik (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
15:30-16:30: Extraction from adverbial clauses: Cross-linguistic variation and general tendencies
Gianluca Porta (Ulster University)
16:30-17:00: Refreshment break
Chair: Łukasz Jędrzejowski
17:00-18:00: Subject-initial V3 in adverbial clauses in Icelandic
Xindan Xu (University of Iceland) & Ásgrímur Angantýsson (University of Iceland)
19:00- Conference dinner
Ristorante Fellini
Groner-Tor-Str. 28
37073 Göttingen

October 6 (Friday)

Chair: Mailin Antomo
09:00-10:00: Adverbial clauses and the dazzling term ‘pre-prefield’
Werner Frey (formerly Leibniz-ZAS, Berlin) – invited speaker
10:00-10:30: Refreshment break
Chair: Andreas Blümel
10:30-11:30: Universal free choice from concessive conditionals in Tibetan and beyond
Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine (University of Helsinik & National University of Singapore)
[handout] / [slides]
11:30-12:30: A cross-Germanic perspective on simulative clauses: Some thoughts and questions
Marta Massaia (Utrecht University)
12:30-14:00: Lunch break
Chair: Sahar Shirali
14:00-15:00: Mood-approach vs P-approach to non-finite adjunct clauses
Irina Burukina (Eötvös Loránd University & Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics)
15:00-16:00: Morpheme order variation in Udmurt adverbial clauses
Ekaterina Georgieva (Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics)
16:00-16:30: Concluding remarks and future plans
Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne)



    April 21 (Friday)

    Adverbial clauses in Insular Scandinavian and Övdalian
    Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne) &
    Ásgrímur Angantýsson (University of Iceland)
    10:00-10:45: The typology of Övdalian adverbial clauses: Are they embedded?
    Piotr Garbacz (University of Oslo)
    10:45-11:30: Agreeing ‘how’ in Övdalian and beyond
    Andreas Pankau (Free University of Berlin)
    11:30-12:00: Refreshment break
    12:00-12:45: Going soft on adverbial clauses in Early Modern Icelandic: Theory meets data
    Heimir Freyr Viðarsson (University of Iceland)
    12:45-14:30: Lunch break
    14:30-15:15: Moods, reflexives and adverbial clauses in Icelandic
    Anna Bliß (Leipzig University)
    15:15-16:00: On two types of mood shift in Icelandic conditionals
    Hans-Martin Gärtner (Hungarian Research Center for Linguistics) &
    Thórhallur Eythórsson (University of Iceland)
    16:00-16:30: Refreshment break
    16:30-17:15: On the internal and external syntax of adverbial clauses in Faroese.
    With particular reference to causal and temporal clauses

    Caroline Heycock (University of Edinburgh) &
    Ásgrímur Angantýsson (University of Iceland)
    17:15-18:00: On exceptive uttan-clauses in Faroese
    Ásgrímur Angantýsson (University of Iceland),
    Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne),
    Annika Simonsen (University of Iceland) &
    Oddur Snorrason (Queen Mary University of London)
    18:00-18:10 Concluding remarks
    Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne) &
    Ásgrímur Angantýsson (University of Iceland)
    20:00- Conference dinner
  • 27th and 28th January 2023: second international conference on adverbial clauses: On the Diachrony of Adverbial Clauses organized by Łukasz Jędrzejowski and Sam Featherston, University of Tübingen, invited speakers: Theresa Biberauer (University of Cambridge) & Augustin Speyer (Saarland University)

[CfP1] [schedule]


January 27 (Friday)

Opening remarks
Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne, Germany)
Chair: Gianluca Porta (Ulster University, UK)
10:30-11:30: Reinforcing edges: adverbial developments in Afrikaans
Theresa Biberauer (University of Cambridge, UK / Stellenbosch University, SA)
11:30-12:00: Refreshment break
12:00-13:00: On different types of adverbial clauses appearing outside of their hosts
Werner Frey (formerly at Leibniz-ZAS, Berlin, Germany)
13:00-15:00: Lunch break
Chair: Qiuhao Charles Yan (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
15:00-16:00: On similative clauses in Germanic
Marta Massaia (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
16:00-17:00: Some observations on ‘how’ in Lower Sorbian
Andreas Pankau (Free University of Berlin, Germany)

January 28 (Saturday)

Chair: Constanze Fleczoreck (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany)
10:00-11:00 Boring integration, exciting independence. On the role of informativity for integration of adverbial clauses
Augustin Speyer (Saarland University, Germany)
11:00-12:00: Then and now: three relic functions of że ‘that’ in present-day spoken Polish
Wojciech Guz (University of Lublin, Poland)
12:00-12:30: Concluding remarks and future plans
Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne, Germany)
12:30-14:30: Lunch break
14:30-18:00: Round-table discussions / individual meetings of network members
  • 20th-21st May 2022: first international conference on adverbial clauses between subordination and coordination [CfP1] [CfP2] [schedule] [poster]

May 20 (Friday)

09:00-09:10: Opening remarks and introduction
Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne)
Chair: Giuseppina di Bartolo (University of Cologne)
09:10-10:10: The typology of adverbial clauses and the role of discourse syntax
Liliane Haegeman (Ghent University, Belgium)
10:10-10:40: On some types of adverbial clauses appearing outside of their hosts
Werner Frey (Leibniz-ZAS, Berlin, Germany)
The talk has been canceled on short notice – we have an additional refreshment break and do not change the schedule.
10:40-11:10: A bi-dimensional account for adverbial clauses between discourse and grammar: Constructional-illocutionary taxonomy and discourse-communicative information structure
Hasmik Jivanyan (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
11:10-11:30: Refreshment break
Chair: Timo Buchholz (University of Cologne)
11:30-12:00 Remarks on adnominal conditional clauses and beyond
Andreas Blümel (University of Göttingen, Germany)
12:00-12:30: Free adjunction and the distribution of Japanese -to adverbial clauses (online talk via Zoom)
Takashi Munakata (Yokoahama National University, Japan)
12:30-14:30: Lunch break
Chair: Jakob Maché (University of Lisbon)
14:30-15:00: Central adverbial clauses are integrated in the structure right above vP
Wellington Souza de Paula (State University of Campinas, Brazil)
15:00-15:30: Merge vs. Move in central and peripheral adverbial clauses in Chinese. Evidence from intervention effect
Marco Casentini (University of Rome, Italy) / Giorgio Carella (University of Roma Tre, Italy) & Mara Frascarelli (University of Roma Tre, Italy)
15:30-16:00: Subject vs object binding as evidence for degrees of clausal subordination
Sophie von Wietersheim (Unversity of Göttingen, Germany) & Sam Featherston (University of Tübingen, Germany):
16:00-16:20: Refreshment break
Chair: Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne)
16:20-16:50: On the interpretability of epistemic modal operators in event-related adverbial clauses
Jakob Maché (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
16:50-17:20: P or not P – not really a question: A fresh view on the complement/adjunct distinction
Hagen Pitsch (University of Göttingen, Germany)
17:20-18:20: Just Pairmerge: Are adjuncts syntactically defined by operations or
(also as an online talk via Zoom)
Ken Safir (Rutgers University, USA)

May 21 (Saturday)

Sophie von Wietersheim (Unversity of Göttingen)
09:00-10:00: Parataxis to Hypotaxis – (How) does it ever happen?
Regine Eckardt (University of Konstanz, Germany)
10:00-10:30: Times and events in temporal clauses
Caroline Heycock (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
10:30-10:50: Refreshment break
Chair: Andreas Pankau (Free University of Berlin)
10:50-11:20: On exceptive nema-clauses in Icelandic
Oddur Snorrason (University of Cambridge, UK) / Ásgrímur Angantýsson (University of Iceland, Iceland) & Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne, Germany)
11:20-11:50 On coordinate converbs
Ekaterina Georgieva (Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Hungary)
11:50-13:30: Lunch break
Chair: Oddur Snorrason (University of Cambridge)
13:30-14:00: Left-right asymmetries in conditional clause attachment and multiple complementizers
Nicola Munaro (University of Venice, Italy)
14:00-14:30: Extraction from clausal adjuncts in Czech: A rating study
Radek Šimík / Petr Biskup / Kateřina Bartasová / Markéta Dančová / Eliška Dostálková / Kateřina Hrdinková / Gabriela Kosková / Jaromír Kozák / Klára Lupoměská / Albert Maršík / Edita Schejbalová & Illia Yekimov (Charles University, Czech Republic)
14:30-15:00: A copy-raising analysis of proleptic wie-clauses in German
Andreas Pankau (Free University of Berlin, Germany)
15:00-15:20: Refreshment break
Chair: Ekaterina Georgieva (Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics)
15:20-15:50: Adverbial clauses: Not that much of an issue?
Jet Hoek (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
15:50-16:20: Depictive manner complements
Carla Umbach (University of Cologne, Germany)
16:20-16:50: Resisting the adverbial temptation: On Hingeh-und-structures in German
Sebastian Bücking (University of Siegen, Germany)
16:50-17:10: Refreshment break
Chair: Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne)
17:10-18:10: What adverbials and adverbial clauses may teach us about quantification (online talk via Zoom)
Richard K. Larson (Stony Brook University, USA)
18:10-18:20: Concluding remarks and future plans
Łukasz Jędrzejowski (University of Cologne)

17th December 2021: online kickoff workshop of the project [slides]